Klara Lån

Klara Lån

Klara Lån is a loan broker specializing in mediating SMS loans, also known as quick loans. Klara Lån differentiates itself from many other players by offering a comparison service for loans without UC, allowing customers to obtain loans despite previous credit checks.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Klara Lån is considered a good player with several advantages such as a high approval rate and fast payout. Their services are particularly suitable for people with low to medium creditworthiness who wish to borrow smaller amounts quickly.

A disadvantage of using Klara Lån is that they have fewer partners compared to other larger loan

Loan terms

Loan amount: 2000 - 50000 kr

Duration: 1 - 96 months

Interest: 6.84% - 39.5%

Eff. interest: 8.57% - 289%

Age: 18 - 80 years

First loan free: No

Payment remarks accepted: Yes

Setup fee: 0 kr

Administration fee: 0 kr

Invoicing fee: 0 kr

Direct payment: Yes

Weekend payment: Yes

Revolving credit: No

Minimum required annual income: 100000 kr

Representative example

Example: The interest rate is variable and set individually. A loan of 30,000 SEK at a nominal interest rate of 26.05 percent with a repayment period of 24 months, with 24 installments of 1,617 SEK and 0 SEK in setup/administrative fees results in an effective interest rate of 29.4 percent. The total amount to be repaid is 38,808 SEK.


This is a high-cost credit. If you cannot repay the entire debt, you risk a negative credit record. For support, contact your municipality’s debt advice.

Vald långivare Klara finns inte i databasen.

Klara Lån review

This is a way to provide a quick overview of loans, focusing on factors important for quick loans. The ratings do not guarantee that a loan is the best option for you – they only reflect how the loan performs compared to others.

Minimum effective interest rate5
Administration fee5
Setup fee5
Loan amount4
Minimum annual income3
Direct/Weekend payment5
Average rating4,5